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Searching for patterns in the noise...
Aggregating transmissions from the collective conscious...
Predicting the Future from what emerges.

Attention! This is an important message from the Future! ...Humanity has been mediated! Life in our near future has become one big global disinformation campaign. As the observant intelligence engineer predicted, we have entered a post-truth era of fake-news and electronic intrusion. Our individual privacies and freedoms have become a commodity. Politics has become a reality television show. Popular or Pop culture now drives society. Take heed, for choices made today, drive the future...

Welcome to the World Entertainment Wars. The resistance has already begun!


Select from the Info Streams below... 
Tek-Gnostics' Annotated Series
Investigations into Iconic manifestations of Pop Culture

The Azhar Book

 Book of the Dead      Beyond Theology      Wake up, Neo      I Want to Believe

Tron Legacy & the Tao

2001: a Space Odyssey vs Planet of the Apes

20 Minutes into the Future


Item: Contingencies...

Tek-Gnostics’ Pop Future explores the possibilities and probabilities of our near future, as seen through the collective lens of mass and social media. The prime directive of Tek-Gnostic’s Pop Future is to provide analysis, insight and commentary on the “high strangeness” that is our Brave Noö Future. We pursue our prognostication of the future through critical observation of mass media, as interpreted through the applied art of synchromysticism… the art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane. In our explorations, it is precisely through the recognition of synchronicities that the ways of universe are revealed to us.

Advances in mobile communication technologies and their global availability have exposed otherwise insulated individuals and cultures to the manipulations of those who would control media content. The power of mass media in the hands of the few, poses significant risk to the freedoms of the many. This monopoly on media is a threat to personal autonomy… for in the words of Jim Morrison: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” 

With this knowledge, we look for ways to “break the spell” that the black-media-magicians have cast upon an unsuspecting public. We look for the tools and opportunity to push back against mass media programming, to act as Culture Jammer, while developing strategies to better prepare for an uncertain future. Given the revolutionary and game-changing potential that information technologies put in the hands of the individual, the outlook is increasingly in our favor... if we are willing to fight for it.

We move to take personal responsibility for building a better tomorrow. We do not expect assistance from institutions of the old paradigm. We look to none but each other in this endeavor, for in the words of John Perry Barlow... “The future's here... we are it... we are on our own.”

Conspiracy Central       Chapel Perilous       Culture Wars

EcoTek       High Strangeness       Memetic Engineering

Sci Fi as Sacred Text       Space Age Satori        


Item: Welcome to the Future

I can tell your future, just look what's in your hand...Humans have striven to foretell the future ever since the first soothsayer rolled out a “fistful of bones” to interpret their meaning. Forecasting ritual has been with us since the end of the Paleolithic era. Over time, the archaic soothsayer gave way to the oracle and oracular institutions, which became the early mystery schools. In turn, the ancient mystery schools slowly gave way to organized religions. As such, divination and religion have always been intertwined.

Occurring on a parallel timeline with the oracular mystery schools was the ancient tradition of theatre.
The earliest theatric performances were “high ritual” and ceremony. They presented the sacred mysteries to initiates and spectators. Thus modern theatre (and modern stage magic) has its roots in presenting or demonstrating the mysteries.

, ritual and theatre are arguably the foundation of archaic culture. The understandings of such, by the general population over time, took the form of: legend, music, oral histories, proverbs, superstitions, jokes and tall tales. Taken together, these understandings became popular beliefs, or folklore. In our modern era, folklore is rapidly being replaced by popular or “pop culture.” Accordingly, today’s mass-media, entertainment-driven culture is built upon a foundation of ancient ritual, designed to predict the future.

Early in the 21st century, the archaic tradition of seeking meaningful, synchronistic information through oracularity... utilizing the artful abilities of the oracle... re-emerged as if in response to the rise and proliferation of pop culture. The term “Synchromysticism” was coined by Jake Kotze in August of 2006 for an article posted on his website “Brave New World Order.” He defined it as: “The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance.” A Practitioner of this art is known as a synchromystic, within the discipline.

Thus, the cycle of divination, ritual and theatre “comes 'round again” in our modern “infotainment” era. Predicting “what is about to go down” has never been more important. Prognostication has never been more necessary than it is today in terms of strategic planning. Find below articles and artifacts pertaining to Spaceship Earth's Popular Culture and the rhymes and reasons for monitoring our near, or “Pop Future.” Welcome to the Future kids...



See their dreams and aspirations... crumble in front of their face.
And all of their wicked intention... to destroy the human race.

So come we go chant down Babylon one more time.
Come we go chant down Babylon!

- from "Chant Down Babylon" by Bob Marley

Item: Babylon Bandwidth - by Jack Heart

Babylon (bab•uh•lon) - noun

1.  Any rich and magnificent city believed to be a place of excessive luxury and wickedness.
2.  The state, the system, particularly when corrupt or authoritarian. Also the police, as they are the agents of the threat of force that the state derives it's power from.

Bandwidth (band•width) - noun

1.  The transmission capacity of an electronic communications device or system; the speed of data transfer,
ie: a high-bandwidth Internet connection. The smallest range of frequencies constituting a band within which a particular signal can be transmitted without distortion.
2.  Mental capacity; intelligence.

Human experience is, to an ever increasing extent, being mediated by various information technologies. A specific information delivery technology, such as print, is defined as a: medium. Collectively, these information technologies are referred to as: media. Indeed, the last 500 years of human history has been defined by breakthroughs in media. The printing press, the telephone, motion pictures, television, personal computing & the internet, cell phones & wireless devices... and the most recent rise of social media... have all mediated or “come between” humans and their desired data.

These information platforms deliver our “content” with ever increasing immediacy. As this content is now instantly made available, our attention turns to those in control of content and it's flow.

Modern media, defined here as the communications, entertainment and advertising industries... are suspect, in that they dictate the content of information being delivered to the public. Media moguls within the entertainment industry control content, who in turn are influenced by advertising agencies that (along with their clients) bankroll the production costs of entertainment programming. Communications companies deliver, via their networks and a tech-driven  array of wireless gadgetry, data rich content, created to a great extent by the entertainment industry.

This powerful media triad... communications, entertainment and advertising... secure political favor through the power of the lobbying industry, which controls what increasingly has become a Reality TV form of government. As opposed to other powerful industries seeking influence over our government such as the Arms Industry or Big Oil, the media triad's primary commodity is the manipulation of the people's perceptions... through content. Seeing an opportunity, our government seeks a Quid pro quo.” As such, these industries wield enormous power and influence and cannot be trusted by virtue of the age-old adage that absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

As an example, take the predominance of television in the 20th century. There is a reason why TV executives refer to shows they produce as “programming.” There is a reason why advertisers pay small fortunes for commercials and for product placement in popular television programs. Their intention is simple. They desire to program (in the mind programming sense) the masses to do their bidding. Overtly, they want the masses to buy their products... but covertly... they want the masses to think the way they want them to think. They want people to think like good consumers.

When exactly, was the importance of citizenry overshadowed by the convenience of the consumerism, in the eyes of the PTB? When did the citizen become the consumer?

The masters of the airwaves clearly see the US citizenry, at least those with disposable income, as consumer, not a citizen. They will stop at nothing to broadcast their disinformation... to impose their version of reality to suit their nefarious, capitalistic agenda. This deceptive content of control we label: Babylon Bandwidth.”

Here is a subtle and formidable adversary...

Babylon Bandwidth symbolizes the propaganda and disinformation output from modern mass media. Through a most egregious and politically incorrect example of cultural appropriation, we have lifted the term/concept “Babylon” from the Rastafarian understanding of an oppressive and unjust predator/dominator culture. Rastas use “Babylon” in a very similar sense as to how science fiction prophet Philip K Dick used the terms “EMPIRE” and “Black Iron Prison.”

So Babylon Bandwidth represents the insidious and pervasive Black-Op that is being waged upon mainly unsuspecting populations, worldwide. This black-op, perpetrated by the prevailing predator/dominator patriarchy, is so complete as to be mistaken for our consensual reality. It is devised and developed through public relations, and is activated and delivered through mass media platforms. The key to it’s success is dependent upon the psy-op’s ability to persuade through emotion and desire.

Babylon is tricky that way… it makes you think you actually want the doors of the Black Iron Prison to clank shut behind you.

The Rastas have a magical component of resistance, revolt and liberation from Babylon, whereby they wake up from the illusory spell imposed upon them. Their revolutionary counterstrike is known as “Chant Down Babylon.” This is the Rastas' magical (musical & ceremonial) response to the predator/dominator paradigm. This counterstrike aligns quite nicely with the tactical measures outlined here... as well as in our Blows Against the EMPIRE blog series.

Historically, at least since WWII, the US political infrastructure has been bureaucratic in nature. Recent political events have rapidly moved away from bureaucratic business as usual, to a more disruptive model. This change came about, in part, due to the rise of social media. Recent campaign cycles were driven more by social media (facebook, twitter, youTube) than traditional news media. Traditional media, driven, first by the big 3 television networks, then by cable news, were structured around a bureaucratic model. Social media is more disruptive in nature. It's strength is immediacy, at the cost of accuracy.

This is a game-changer for how people get their news. Social Media News is decentralized. It acts as more of a disruptive insurgency than a bureaucratic orthodoxy. It is also virtually un-regulated by any form of oversight or regulation.

Pop Phenom
There is, however a major component of content delivery and control that the media masters desperately struggle with. This is the all-important phenomena known as... “Popular Appeal.”

Although each agency, network, or platform controls their individual output, its relative success or failure is dependant upon how it is received by the viewing public. To be effective, output must be popular. To be popular, it must resonate on a deeply emotional level with the masses. Try as they might, the media masters cannot consistently predict or control popular appeal. Consequently, each individual media mogul is forced to react... to constantly re-adjust their messaging, in response to popular sentiment.

Popularity is an intangible and more importantly, an ineffable commodity. If enough people are enamored with a media phenomenon... for a long enough period of time... it becomes a trend. This is of course the “holy grail” of the media industry. A trend, reduced to it's most basic component, we define as a Meme. Since advertising effectiveness and hence advertising revenue is dependant upon mass appeal, significant research and development resources are budgeted to study such memetic trending. For this reason, the collective output of the media industry is significant on a cultural level, as it mirrors the culture being targeted.

Close examination of the combined collective output of modern media tells us much about our global citizenry. By virtue of what is being marketed to us, modern media reveals perceived trends in how we think, feel and react to events of consequence in our world. Indeed, it illuminates collective characteristics of our consensual reality… our collective consciousness, as reflected by the manipulations of the above mentioned media masters.

In the 21st century, political operatives and political consulting firms, such as Cambridge Analytica have become major players in influencing political election outcomes, through analyzing social media. Cambridge Analytica deployed a profiling system using online data, primarily facebook likes. They compiled psychological data derived from millions of facebook users, largely without users' permission or knowledge. They collected data on voters, scrutinizing demographics, consumer behavior, and internet activity. Cambridge Analytica exploited the fact that individual psychological targeting is a powerful tool that can influence people... and with a limited number of likes...people can be analyzed with incredible precision.

The big data analyzing technologies are currently approaching Babylon Bandwidth's
“holy grail” of popular appeal prediction. In this regard, populations are in increased risk of media manipulation. The increasing popularity of media output becomes an indicator of what resonates, what grabs the attention of specific (or in the words of the marketing magicians), target populations. However, such technologies cut both ways. Information technology can also be used as a tool of personal autonomy.

By scrutinizing how we are being marketed to, we gain more insight into who we are as a culture. By waking up to Babylon Bandwidth, we begin to understand the extent of media manipulation. Just as the messianic character Neo (from the Wachowskis' 1999 film: The Matrix) woke up, so too do we in our awakening, begin to realize how deep the Rabbit-hole goes.  

Today, as information technology evolves more rapidly, the media masters begin to lose control of the medium, even as they gain sophistication. Even with its vulnerabilities, social media has, to a certain extent, de-centralized modern media, diluting Babylon Bandwidth's hypnotic power. The perceptive and vigilant citizen can, in effect, use modern media to their advantage by gleaning trends in the media-stream.

In considering trends, specific pieces of media content lose importance. In the words of Marshall McLuhan... the medium is the message… a medium itself, not the content it carries, becomes the focal point of significance. Realization of these trends allow us to sharpen our predictive faculties in contemplating the future. By examining trends in media for purposes of prediction, we logically place emphasis on a popular or “Pop Future.”

Synchronicity & Synchromysticism
Pop Future... or the perceived trending in entertainment,  infotainment and information services, as evidenced via the world wide web and social media platforms such as facebook, et al... is a culturally powerful predictive tool. We intend to fight back against Babylon Bandwidth, using these and other such tools to our Fight Back!advantage. We will examine all available data-streams for the purpose of predicting possible, probable and prescriptive outcomes to present day scenarios, as they pertain to personal autonomy.

We will examine the complex intertwining advancements and expectations in the hard sciences such as astronomy, physics &  biology, as well as other disciplines of relevance such as, psychology, sociology and anthropology. Additionally, we pursue intuitive disciplines, peering through the lens of the new and relatively esoteric interdisciplinary system known as Synchromysticism.

Synchromysticism is a contemplative and predictive discipline. Rather than focusing on the overt, surface messaging of media output, the synchromystic focuses on the covert, symbolic, archetypical meanings that dwell deep beneath the surface of ordinary consciousness. As the name implies, synchromysticism correlates multiple meanings of a given signal, mining the sub-conscious for intuitive concepts, such as synchronicity.

In this regard, synchromysticism is heavily influenced by the study of the collective unconscious as pioneered by Dr. Carl Jung. Jung was the founder of analytical psychology. He emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, religion and philosophy. One of his most notable ideas was the concept of synchronicity. Jung created the term synchronicity to describe the alignment of universal forces” with the life experiences of an individual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidences were not merely due to chance, but instead reflected the creation of an event or circumstance by the alignment of such forces. In difference to these forces, consideration is given to the power of mass media and its influence on humanity’s psyche.

Pop Future seeks to illuminate the mysterious universal synchronicities, as mirrored by mass media, to better understand the forces that are at work, shaping our newly emerging global culture. By searching for patterns in the noise... by aggregating  and analyzing transmissions from the collective conscious... we will harness the resulting information to our advantage... forecasting the Future from what emerges.

Find below a collection of in-house and third party links that may prove useful in our memetic endeavors...





Acceleration Studies

Center for Future Studies

Doug Rushkoff


Future Conscience

The Long Now

Next Big Future


More Futurology Hyperlinks

Institute for the Future    Near Future Laboratory  

  Open the Future     Plausible Futures     Singularity U     World Future Society


the Eyes have it...

Sci (Fi) Blogs

2001: A Space Odyssey

Beyond the Beyond


SyFy Wire


Pop Culture


Dangerous Minds

Mr Pop Culture

Pop Culture @ NYT

Pop Sugar


Synchromystic Blogs

Brave New World Order


Groupname for Grapejuice


Just Watching the Wheels Go Round

The Libyan Sibyl



Synchromystic Pop Culture

The Secret Sun

Twilight Language


Watching the Watchmen

Additional Noteworthy Tek-Gnostics Hyperlinks

Buckminster Fuller

Consciousness Hacking      DNA & Future Memory      ET Cultural Competency

 Exegesis      SMI²LE